a.k.a The Field Rose, or 'Shakespeare's Musk'. A vigorous trailing or rambling rose. Masses of single, white (2cm diameter) blooms in clusters or individually with a strong, musky scent. Slender, glaucous, purple stems. Summer flowering only. Small, round red hips follow. Very shade tolerant. Size 250 x 200cm.
Out of stocka.k.a Red Cherokee. Large delicate single blooms of cerise crimson with a paler reverse. Dark red wood and glossy foliage. Requires sheltered site. Summer flowering. Size: 2.4m x 3.6m
Out of stockA popular Musk rose, especially in France. Strong scent. Dark and elongated foliage. Repeats well. Colour varies from light orange, pale pink to bright white. Forms a large shrub, although if hard pruned can be tamed to a comfortable 3 feet. Size:1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockPortland Rose, a.k.a. Duchess of Portland, is smothered in scented semi-double light red blooms with rich golden yellow stamens. Its compact habit makes this useful for limited space. Repeat flowering. Size: 90cm x 90cm.
Out of stockPompon des Princes (a.k.a. Ispahan) has clear pink, deliciously fragrant double blooms which flower throughout the summer. Scrolled in the bud, opening quartered with a green button eye. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stocka.k.a Peace. Introduced in 1918 to mark the end of the war. Large trusses of semi-double, creamy white, ruffled flowers with golden anthers. Rich musky fragrance. Blooms from June to Autumn. Dark foliage. Useful as a shorter climber. Size:1.8m x 1.5m.
Out of stocka.k.a 'Apothecary Rose' or 'Red rose of Lancaster'. Smothered semi double light crimson blooms. Very fragrant, good in pot-pourri. Summer flowering. Historically celebrated for its medicinal and culinary qualities. Size: 1.2m x 1.2m.
Out of stockThe semi-double bright crimson flowers have a strong musk scent and are borne on a strong plant with dark green healthy foliage. Rare. Repeat flowering. Size 1.5m x 1.2m.