Out of stockCelestial originated in Holland. Soft pink double blooms. Grey green foliage. Very strong fragrance. Extremely healthy. Summer flowering. Size: 2m x 1.2m.
Out of stockDainty Bess is a single flowered hybrid Tea of Sophistication. Large blooms of silvery pink with maroon stamens. Sweetly scented. Dark green leathery leaves. Vigorous upright habit. Perpetual flowering. Size.90cm x 60cm.
Out of stockGolden Wings is dainty but strong. Large single primrose yellow blooms emerge from lovely pointed buds. Scented. Size 120 x 150cm.
Out of stockA new Persica Hybrid. Eye of the Storm is cerise pink with semi double flowers which open to reveal a large dark eye. Mild fragrance. Compact bushy habit with outstanding disease resistance. Perfect for container growing or front of a border. Size 80 x 50cm.
Out of stockRaised at Kew from seed sent by Father Hugo. Pale yellow single blooms smoother the plant in May. Ferny foliage. Scented. Forms a large dense shrub. Small black hips. Size:2.4 x 1.8m.
Out of stocka.k.a Peace. Introduced in 1918 to mark the end of the war. Large trusses of semi-double, creamy white, ruffled flowers with golden anthers. Rich musky fragrance. Blooms from June to Autumn. Dark foliage. Useful as a shorter climber. Size:1.8m x 1.5m.
Out of stockA.k.a Snowdwarf. Clusters of small semi- double pure white blooms. Scented. Bushy growth. Decorative orange hips. Repeat flowering. Hardy and healthy. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockRare and unusual. Clusters of small creamy-white flowers. Highly fragrant. Dense grey-green foliage. Summer flowering. Height 3m.
Out of stockLovely soft yellow semi-double blooms with golden stamens. Good scent. Repeats if dead headed, forms hips if not. Healthy and vigorous. Size: 1.2m x 1.2m.
Out of stocka.k.a.The Incense Rose. Smothered with small single primrose yellow blooms in May. The glossy ferney foliage exudes a strong scent of incense especially when damp. Size:1.5m x 1.2m.
a.k.a The Field Rose, or 'Shakespeare's Musk'. A vigorous trailing or rambling rose. Masses of single, white (2cm diameter) blooms in clusters or individually with a strong, musky scent. Slender, glaucous, purple stems. Summer flowering only. Small, round red hips follow. Very shade tolerant. Size 250 x 200cm.
Out of stockSemi-double salmon pink with a lush silky texture to the blooms. Good fragrance. Well- foliated and bushy. A good shorter variety. Continuous flowering. Size:90 x 90cm.
Out of stocka.k.a Rosa spinosissima 'Mary Queen of Scots'. Smothered in small beautiful semi-double blooms of lilac pink with paler edges & reverse to the petal. Dense prickly growth with dark green foliage. Maroon hips in autumn. Spring flowering. 90cm x 90cm.
Out of stocka.k.a. Princess of Nassau. Clusters of semi-double cream flowers emerge from red tinged buds. Plentiful light green foliage. Flowers from July to September. Strong fragrance. A good shorter climber. Size: 3.0m x 2.5m.
Out of stockSent from China by Wilson. Single crimson-red blooms with creamy stamens produced on a large shrub. Ornamental flagon-shaped hips in autumn. Summer flowering. Size:3m x 2.4m.
Out of stockLarge trusses of double very pale-pink flowers. Sweet musky fragrance. Vigorous dark green pliable foliage. Healthy. Excellent rambler that can grow very tall. Size:4.5m x 4.5m.
Out of stockLarge single blooms of dusky crimson offset by golden anthers with a strong fragrance. The flowers are borne in clusters amidst dark green foliage. Repeat flowering. Size 90cm x 90cm.
Out of stockRosa californica 'Plena' has semi-double hollyhocks shaped lilac pink flowers. Produces some small orange red fruit in the autumn. Summer flowering. Size: 3m x 2m.
Out of stockLarge trusses of single flowers. Carmine pink with a white eye and golden stamens. Floriferous and Vigorous. Good pillar rose. Flowers late summer. Size:4.5m x 3m.
Out of stockA.k.a Rosa spinosissima 'Double White'. Small globular pure white blooms. Dense prickly rounded growth with dainty small leaves. An excellent variety. Will grow in most soils. Spring flowering. Size:1.2 x 1.2m.
Out of stockLarge semi-double blooms of deep pink with a raspberry scent. Forms a large but very showy upright shrub. Vigorous, healthy growth. Perpetual flowering. Size: 1.8m x 1.5m.
Out of stock
Single blooms in clusters of cream laced with pink. Eye-catching claret colour stems. Vigorous growth with dark foliage. Perpetual flowering. Size:90cm x 90cm.
Out of stockNamed after the Norwegian explorer and just as tough. This violet-pink, semi-double Rugosa has charming yellow stamens. Ideal to be trained as a hedge, with its welcoming scent. Smaller in foliage and stature than most Rugosas. Repeats. Size 1.2 x 1.2m.
Out of stockFairly large pure white single blooms on a vigorous shrub with very distinct grey-green foliage. Virtually thornless. Sweetly scented. Summer flowering. Size : 1.8m x 1.2m.
Out of stockClusters of full pale pink with a hint of salmon blooms. Pleasing fragrance. Leathery grey foliage on an arched bushy shrub. Very Healthy. Summer flowering. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stocka.k.a Threepenny Bit Rose, Rosa elegantula 'Persetosa'. Tiny lilac pink flowers in abundance on a very graceful shrub with bristly stems. Ferny foliage turns purple in autumn with bright orange hips. Summer flowering. Size:1.5m x 1.5m.
Out of stockKathleen is a fantastic shrub with sizeable displays of single blush pink blooms. Wonderfully scented and repeat flowering, it's particularly attractive to bees and other pollinating insects. More compact growing than other varieties in the Hybrid Musk group. Size: 120cm x 70cm.
Out of stockA.k.a Rosa spinosissima. An early flowering variety. Creamy white single blooms. A dense prickly shrub. Round black hips. Grows on most soils. Spring flowering. Size:1m x 1m
Out of stockThe semi-double bright crimson flowers have a strong musk scent and are borne on a strong plant with dark green healthy foliage. Rare. Repeat flowering. Size 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockBeautiful polished dark green pointed foliage acts as the perfect foil to large single white blooms. Has immense health and vigour. Slightly tender. Summer flowering. Size: 8m x 6m.
Out of stockSmothered in large creamy white semi-double blooms when in full flush. Rarely without bloom. Forms a large,dense, well-foliated shrub. Size: 2.1m x 2.4m.
Out of stockAn exceptionally vigorous rambler. Huge sprays of single white scented blooms. Polished almost evergreen foliage. Tiny orange-red hips. Summer flowering. Size:6m x 6m.
Out of stockThe Alpine Rose is an early flowering thornless rose. It has delicate but striking deep pink flowers and small, neat leaves. Prefers plenty of space, as it can reach a great height. In the autumn it produces long, orange flagon shaped hips. Size: 1.7m x 1.5m.