Out of stockLarge clusters of medium-sized, globular pink-white blooms, which are sweetly scented. Pale green matt foliage, fairly prickly stems. Although often classed as a Noisette or Hybrid Perpetual this is more akin to the Portland Damasks. Repeat flowering. Size: 1m x 1m.
Out of stockBoule de Neige a.k.a Snowball has double globular blooms of pure white. Crimson tinged when in bud. Sweetly scented. Good dark foliage. Can be use as a shrub or a pillar rose. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.5m x 0.9m.
Out of stockBloomfield Abundance has immense arched shoots which bear vast quantities of miniature scrolled shell-pink blooms with long sepals. A good specimen plant. Continuous flowering. Size 1.8m x 1.2m.
Out of stockBlanchefleur's red tinged buds open into milky-white quartered blooms. As the flowers age the petals reflex to form a ball. Sweetly scented. A large lax prickly shrub with grey green foliage. Summer flowering. Size 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockLovely pure white full blooms open from buds covered with brownish moss. An upright shrub with dark green leaves. Summer flowering. Size:1.2m x 0.9m.
Out of stockLarge pure white semi-double fragrant blooms. Excellent disease-resistant foliage. Forms a dense shrub. Useful for hedging. Perpetual flowering. Size:1.8m x 1.5m.
Out of stockFully double quartered blooms, lilac pink on the edges with deeper pink centres. Dark green foliage. Grown by Empress Josephine at Malmaison but rarely seen today. Summer flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1m.
Out of stockLarge double magenta-pinkblooms. Spicy scent. Very healthy. Repeat flowering. Sometimes produces large red fruit with the later blooms. Size: 1.8m x 1.6m.
Out of stockPerfect quartered blooms of pale pink with lighter edges. Strong myrrh fragrance. A tidy shrub with grey-green foliage. Good disease resistance. Summer flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1m.
Out of stockAn excellent reliable Gallica of rosette formation. Rich pink fading to pale violet. Coarse green foliage overlaid with a bluish tinge. Highly scented. Summer flowering. Size:1.2m x 90cm.
Out of stockUnique. A sport of Eugen Furst. Cupped blooms of deep crimson with a thin white edge to each petal. Repeat flowering. Highly fragrant. Upright habit. Needs attention especially in respect to mildew. Size: 1.2m x 0.9m.
Out of stockPointed Apricot buds open to a soft creamy yellow semi-double display. Abundance of late flowers. Dark green healthy leathery foliage with few thorns. Good in borders as well as for hedging. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1.4m.
Out of stockA hardy tea rose. Magnificent fully double quartered blooms of pink, peach and purple. Scented. Dark reddish brown stems with dark green foliage. Continuous flowering. Size: 1.5m x 90cm.