Out of stockFull pleated petalled blooms give this old rose a unique appearance. Rare to find in the UK. Light green foliage and nice fragrance. Also perfect as a cut flower. Pale pink. Size: 120cm x 120cm.
Out of stockLarge double dark red blooms with hints of violet and carmine. Good fragrance. Will repeat in a good hot summer. Size: 1.2m x 90cm.
Out of stockSouvenir de St. Annes has semi-double blush pink blooms. Its continuous flowering, bushy growth and powerful fragrance make it excellent for pollinators. Stands up well to wet weather. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockRich deep crimson, velvety, double blooms often in clusters. Highly fragrant. A lanky grower that can be pegged down or trained as a climber. Responds well to good cultivation. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.8m x 1.5m.
Out of stock
Delicious clusters of peaches, raspberries and cream double blooms. Can repeat in autumn. Good dark green foliage. Vigorous and healthy. Size:2.5m x 2m.
Out of stockSpong has masses of small double quartered blooms of rose pink. Compact growth makes it ideal for smaller gardens or pots. Healthy grey-green foliage. Summer flowering. Size: 90cm x 90cm.
Out of stockDouble quartered blooms of blush pink. A graceful shrub with grey-green foliage. Perpetual flowering. Strongly scented. Good in most situations. Size: 1.5m x 1.5m.
Out of stockSuperb rich crimson to magenta full blooms. Good scent. Large parsley green leaves. Compact upright bushy habit. Repeat flowering. Size:1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockClusters of large, semi-double blooms. They are soft coral-pink, and the yellow centers make a perfect foil for the attractive red stamens. Good scent and large glossy leaves. Large red hips in Autumn. Repeat flowering. Size: 3.5m x 3m.
Out of stockA multiflora rambler. Huge sprays of pink flowers, bear in clusters from June well into the Autumn. Blooms fade to pale pink and have golden yellow centers. Very flexible stems make this easy to train on various aspects. Light & Musky fragrance. Size: 4m x 2.5m.
Out of stockSurrey is a wide spreading shrub with huge quantities of soft pink double blooms throughout the season. Very healthy. Highly recommended. Continuous flowering. Size: 75cms x 120cms.
Out of stockSmall semi-double blooms with an unusual frilled appearance. Scented of oranges and produced at Midsummer in abundance. Vigorous prickly growth. Size:4.5 x 3m.