Out of stockClusters of single pink blooms with white centres. Grey-green foliage. A Rosa soulieana hybrid. Vigorous and richly scented. Summer flowering. Size: 4.5m x 4m.
Out of stockExtremely rampant rambler bearing huge trusses of small single creamy flowers. Strong fragrance. Summer flowering. Suitable for growing into a tree, as seen famously in Kiftsgate Court Gardens. Red hips in autumn. Size:9m x 6m.
Out of stockHuge sprays of pure white semi-double blooms. Smooth elongated leaves. A strong musky scent. Good resistance from disease. Starts flowering mid-summer. Strong growth so ideally trained for an arch or pergola. Size: 5m x 2m.
Out of stockA.k.a Queen Victoria. Large fully double creamy white blooms with a light yellow center. Strongly scented. Light grey-green leaves. Perpetual flowering. Size:1.2m x .0.9m.
Out of stocka.k.a Violacea. A tall upright bush bearing medium sized almost single blooms of purplish crimson with very pronounced golden stamens. Dazzling white streaks occasionally come from center of the petals. Good scent. Summer flowering. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockLa France is a historically important rose as it was the first to be classed as a Hybrid Tea. Big sophisticated pointed double blooms are around 11cm wide. Powerfully scented with a sweet damask scent. Repeat Flowering. Size.150cm x 120cm.
Out of stockSlender, erect bush bearing globular blooms of lilac pink with a silk finish. Soft green foliage. Free flowering. Wonderfully fragrant. Perpetual flowering. Size 1.2m x 1m.
Out of stockLarge flat quartered blooms of pure pink. Wonderful fragrance. Lovely pale green foliage. Summer flowering. Forms a bushy shrub with healthy foliage. Size:1.5m x1.4m.
Out of stockSmall rich rose pink almost quartered blooms cascade down in large bunches. Very vigorous pliable growth suited to a pergola. Fragrant. Rare. Size:3.6m x2.4m.
Out of stockDeserves extra love and attention. Great, great grandparent of many modern roses. Flesh pink double blooms which which deepen at the center. Tea scented. Repeat flowering. Bushy lax growth. Size: 60cm x 60cm.
Out of stockFlesh pink with deeper pink at the high centre. Blooms of fine shape. Superb fragrance. Good as a buttonhole. Vigorous growth. Hardy. Repeat flowering. Size: 3m x 3m.
Out of stockBears huge clusters of very dainty rosette type blooms of lilac-rose paling to lavender white. Good vigorous growth with dark grey-green foliage. Summer flowering. Size: 3.0m x 2.5m. ( Laure Davoust)