What is a Bare Root Rose?
Bare root roses are dormant plants, which are lifted and dispatched between November to the end of March. Stems are approximately 6 to 12 inches long and the roots will be bare, meaning without soil.
How will they arrive?
All roses have their own descriptive colour label and are packed within a decorative wax-lined waterproof parcel. In addition every order will contain a care guide booklet.

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1st Grade Quality
We pride ourselves on quality, therefore begin by hand-selecting strong specimens only; main stems of three or more with plenty of root system. Unlike our competitors you will notice our roses come with a lifting label detailing your name and the variety’s field position, this is because we unearth from our fields just prior dispatch, ensuring minimal storage, and the best condition for planting upon arrival.
Our roses arrive in decorative packaging.
Why choose a bare root rose?
The main reason they are more affordable. Due to no costs for containers/compost and lower costs in transport, bare root roses can save you money. Many also agree early planting during the dormant seasons is more beneficial to roses, giving them extra time to establish a good root system. This is especially noticeable during their first summer, as the bare root rose planted early, will be less stressed during very dry spells, than a container rose planted fully leaved, straight from the nursery. Furthermore the reduction in plastics and water used for growing, make them a greener option. For tips on how to plant bare root roses, head to our planting and pruning page.