Our named roses include roses named after people, perfect for as an extra personal gift.
Out of stockEvelyn is cupped with rosette shaped blooms of silky apricot. Delicious rich Tea fragrance. Strong upright bushy growth. Continuous flowering. Size: 1.2m x 90cm.
Out of stockA.k.a Fimbriata Bunches of small very pale pink to white flowers with quilled petals. Scented. Healthy foliage. Forms a large bushy shrub .More refined than most Rugosas. Repeat flowering. Size 1.2m x 1.2m.
Out of stockLinda is an exquisite white rose. Medium fragrance. Large full sweet scented blooms. An upright plant - could be well placed at the back of the border. Size 120 x 150cm.
Out of stocka.k.a. Simi. A wonderful new shrub rose named after Trevor's beautiful daughter. It bears large full, cupped blooms of dusky pink both singly and in clusters. The fragrant flowers also have a good vase life. Forms a bushy shrub approx. 1m x 1m in size.
Out of stockJenny's Rose has pretty soft pink, semi-double blooms set against glossy dark green, healthy foliage. With a lovely fragrance, upright habit and good disease resistance, it was awarded the Gold Medal at Glasgow in 2001. Size: 120 x 80cm.