Our named roses include roses named after people, perfect for as an extra personal gift.
Out of stockBeautiful cupped flowers of rich pink shaded lilac. Very strongly scented. Fairly continuous flowering. An excellent old fashioned shrub rose. Size:1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockDainty Bess is a single flowered hybrid Tea of Sophistication. Large blooms of silvery pink with maroon stamens. Sweetly scented. Dark green leathery leaves. Vigorous upright habit. Perpetual flowering. Size.90cm x 60cm.
Out of stockClusters of full pale pink with a hint of salmon blooms. Pleasing fragrance. Leathery grey foliage on an arched bushy shrub. Very Healthy. Summer flowering. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockSidonie is fully double, with shiny shell pink blooms appear in clusters. Scented. Vigorous tidy bush with a coarse foliage. Repeat flowering. Size 90cm x 60cm.