Out of stockBengal Crimson, a.k.a Rosa x odorata 'Bengal Beauty', is a superb rose. Constantly smothered in single light crimson blooms from May until the first frosts. Compact bushy habit. Very healthy. Good for container growing. Size: 60cm x 60cm, but could be trained to climb to 1.5m.
Out of stockMutabilis, a.k.a Tipo Ideale, has single blooms that change through yellow and pink to crimson. Perpetual flowering. Very healthy. Can be kept as a shrub but will climb to 2m if trained. Size: 1.2m x 0.9m.
Out of stockRose of The Year for 2015. Single pink blooms of pink/apricot/salmon with a distinctive dark central eye. Very free flowering. Shiny disease resistant foliage. Nice lemony fragrance. Continuous flowering. Size:0.9m x 0.9m.
Out of stock
A super rose in all respects. Large, single flowers of soft apricot in clusters. Dark green foliage and dark chocolate brown stems. Continuous flowering. Size: 90cm x 90cm.
Out of stockGold Standard Award. Single pale pink blooms with the distinctive central red eye. Dense glossy foliage. Exceptional disease resistance. An excellent pot plant. Continuous flowering. Size:90cm x 90cm.
Out of stockSmiling Eyes is a Gold Standard award winner. A small, neat shrub bearing a mass of single apricot blooms with a distinct central blotch. Highly disease resistant. Good for a pot. Repeat flowering. Size 90cms x 90cms.
Out of stockA.k.a Rosa xanthina 'Canary Bird'. Single canary-yellow blooms smother the branches. Lovely brown stems and ferny foliage. Brownish red hips. Spring flowering. Size:2.4m x 1.4m
Out of stockClusters of single pink blooms with white centres. Grey-green foliage. A Rosa soulieana hybrid. Vigorous and richly scented. Summer flowering. Size: 4.5m x 4m.