Out of stockLarge flat quartered blooms of pale shades of pink with yellow anthers. Powerful fragrance. Does well in the shade. Well worth growing. Repeat flowering. Size:1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockDouble blooms of cerise-purple. Sweet spicy scent. Large round red fruits in autumn. Healthy leathery foliage. Good for hedging. Almost identical to Roseraie de l'Hay, this would make a good substitute. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.8m x 1.5m.
Out of stockBeautiful quartered blooms with a magenta pink at the center of the petals, turning lilac to the outer. Good scent. Light green foliage. Summer flowering. Size: 1.2m x1.2m.
Out of stockRosa californica 'Plena' has semi-double hollyhocks shaped lilac pink flowers. Produces some small orange red fruit in the autumn. Summer flowering. Size: 3m x 2m.
Out of stockAlain Blanchard has deep crimson semi-double flowers mottled with purple and pink. Showy golden stamens. Good scent. Dark stems and mid-green serrated foliage. Summer flowering. Size: 1.5m x 1.5m.
Out of stockPointed Apricot buds open to a soft creamy yellow semi-double display. Abundance of late flowers. Dark green healthy leathery foliage with few thorns. Good in borders as well as for hedging. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1.4m.
Out of stockCelsiana displays clusters of semi-double pale pink blooms, with a strong musk fragrance. Good in semi-shaded position. Dense grey-green foliage. Summer flowering. Painted by many famous artists from the past. Size: 1.2m x 90cm.
Out of stockClusters of rosettes with chamois yellow blooms cover this compact shrub and show pretty amber stamens. Scented. Vigorous glossy upright bushy foliage. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1.2m.
Out of stockLarge double silvery pink crumpled blooms which flower well into the autumn. Richly scented. Upright habit with few thorns and lightly moss buds. Abundant foliage of dark green. Size: 1.2m x 1m.
Out of stockClusters of peachy pink quilled blooms. A large vigorous shrub. Leathery Rugosa foliage. Rare. perpetual flowering. Size: 1.2m x 0.9m.
Out of stockOur Rose, a.k.a Sunny Day has large, fragrant, double pure yellow flowers with a wavy edge. A good bushy shrub with mid-green foliage. Healthy, hardy and repeats well. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockRare and unique. Dark red double blooms. Twiggy lax growth which makes a good short pillar rose. Good heady fragrance. Summer flowering. Size: 1.3m x 1.2m.
Out of stockEye catching mottled lilac-pink single flowers. Purple grey stems with an arching habit. Dark grey-green foliage. Good for hedging with globular red hips. Size: 1.6m x 1.6m.
Out of stockClusters of very double blooms emerge from mossy buds. They may be flecked at the ends with paler hues. Fragrant. Makes a very tall bush with canes cloaked in purplish moss. Can repeat. Size: 2.4m x 1.5m.