Out of stockA.k.a Fimbriata Bunches of small very pale pink to white flowers with quilled petals. Scented. Healthy foliage. Forms a large bushy shrub .More refined than most Rugosas. Repeat flowering. Size 1.2m x 1.2m.
Out of stockCottage-styled blooms of deep pink, expand eventually to pale pink. Delightful mixed sweet and musky fragrance. Smaller flowers than 'Prosperity', but neater habit. Size: 120cm x 100cm.
Out of stockPompon des Princes (a.k.a. Ispahan) has clear pink, deliciously fragrant double blooms which flower throughout the summer. Scrolled in the bud, opening quartered with a green button eye. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stocka.k.a. Mme Herbert. Full quartered blooms. Purple crimson centers with lilac white outer petals. Good foliage. Wonderful scent. Summer flowering. Size: 1.2m x 90cm. (President de Seze).
Out of stockSport of 'Quatre Saisons'. Clusters of highly mossed buds open to reveal pure white semi-double blooms. Highly scented. Tidy, upright and bushy. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.2m x 0.9m.
Out of stockA popular Musk rose, especially in France. Strong scent. Dark and elongated foliage. Repeats well. Colour varies from light orange, pale pink to bright white. Forms a large shrub, although if hard pruned can be tamed to a comfortable 3 feet. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockRare and unique. Dark red double blooms. Twiggy lax growth which makes a good short pillar rose. Good heady fragrance. Summer flowering. Size: 1.3m x 1.2m.
Out of stockRosa californica 'Plena' has semi-double hollyhocks shaped lilac pink flowers. Produces some small orange red fruit in the autumn. Summer flowering. Size: 3m x 2m.
Out of stockA large shrub of upright growth but with arching side shoots smothered with pale yellow single blooms in May. Orange red hips in autumn. Spring flowering. Size :2.0m x 1.5m. Perfect for pollinators
Out of stockRosa centifolia, a.k.a. Cabbage Rose or Provence Rose, has huge very double globular blooms of deep pink and large coarse leaves. Strong perfume. Summer flowering. Height 1.5m x Spread 1.2m.
Out of stockFairly large pure white single blooms on a vigorous shrub with very distinct grey-green foliage. Virtually thornless. Sweetly scented. Summer flowering. Size : 1.8m x 1.2m.
Out of stockBright yellow flowers of R. ecae are a joy to behold in Spring. Buttercup-like blooms adorn this tall and slender stemmed shrub which is native of central Asia. Red hips form in Autumn. Thought to be a parent of Rosa Canary Bird. Size: 2m x 1.5m.
Out of stocka.k.a Threepenny Bit Rose, Rosa elegantula 'Persetosa'. Tiny lilac pink flowers in abundance on a very graceful shrub with bristly stems. Ferny foliage turns purple in autumn with bright orange hips. Summer flowering. Size:1.5m x 1.5m.
Out of stock
A vigorous shrub with fine purple green foliage. The single carmine pink flowers are followed by very decorative flagon-shaped hips. Summer flowering. Size:2m x 2m.
Out of stockA vigorous shrub bearing a multitude of large single pink blooms with a white center and golden stamens. Seems to thrive in some very poor conditions. Very healthy. Good scent. Great for pollinating insects. Summer flowering. Size: 2.4m x 2m.
Out of stockRaised at Kew from seed sent by Father Hugo. Pale yellow single blooms smoother the plant in May. Ferny foliage. Scented. Forms a large dense shrub. Small black hips. Size:2.4 x 1.8m.
Out of stockBears a large quantity of small clear pink globular flowers. A procumbent variety. Requires good husbandry. Light fragrance. Summer flowering.Perfect for pollinators. Size 0.6m x 1.5m.
Out of stockThe authentic Musk Rose. Thought to be 'Shakespeare's Musk'. Clusters of highly fragrant single white flowers . Strong growth,grey-green foliage. Starts flowering July but continues until September. Makes a short climber or large shrub. Size:3.0m x 1.8m.
Out of stockSent from China by Wilson. Single crimson-red blooms with creamy stamens produced on a large shrub. Ornamental flagon-shaped hips in autumn. Summer flowering. Size: 3m x 2.4m.
Out of stockSingle geranium red blooms with creamy stamens. Flagon-shaped hips. Vigorous growth. Healthy and hardy. Summer flowering. Size:2.4m 1.5m.
Out of stockA large shrub bearing single flowers of deep pink. Ornamental flagon-shaped hips in the autumn which last well into the winter. Summer flowering. Size:2.4m x 2.0m.
Out of stockThe Alpine Rose is an early flowering thornless rose. It has delicate but striking deep pink flowers and small, neat leaves. Prefers plenty of space, as it can reach a great height. In the autumn it produces long, orange flagon shaped hips. Size: 1.7m x 1.5m.
Out of stockA.k.a. Rosa spinosissima 'Double White'. Small globular pure white blooms. Dense prickly rounded growth with dainty small leaves. An excellent variety. Will grow in most soils. Spring flowering. Size:1.2 x 1.2m.
Out of stockPale yellow globular blooms. Dense prickly growth with ferny foliage. Very robust but retaining a delicate charm. Spring flowering. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockA.k.a. Rosa spinosissima 'Marbled Pink'. Small open double flowers of pale pink overlaid with a streaking of deeper pink. Scented. Dense bushy growth. Black globular hips. Dainty yet very robust. Spring Flowering. 1m x 1m.
Out of stockA.k.a Rosa spinosissima. An early flowering variety. Creamy white single blooms. A dense prickly shrub. Round black hips. Grows on most soils. Spring flowering. Size:1m x 1m
Out of stockA.k.a.The Incense Rose. Smothered with small single primrose yellow blooms in May. The glossy ferny foliage exudes a strong scent of incense, especially when damp. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.