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Out of stock5 x B Grade Rosa rugosa 'Alba' for hedging. Large,pure white,single blooms. Good scent. Large round orange fruit hips. Good Autumn foliage. Continuous flowering. Size: 1.5m x 1.5m.
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Out of stockLarge deeply cupped blooms in subtle shades of apricot and yellow. Rich fruity scent. A vigorous bushy shrub with dark green glossy foliage. Perpetual flowering. Size 1.5m x 1.5m
Out of stockLarge semi-double blooms of deep pink with a raspberry scent. Forms a large but very showy upright shrub. Vigorous, healthy growth. Perpetual flowering. Size: 1.8m x 1.5m.
Out of stockAgnes is a beautiful butter yellow Rugosa rose with large fully double blooms. Leathery foliage. Distinct lemon fragrance. Hardy and will perform well in coastal regions. Summer flowering. Forms a shrub 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockAlain Blanchard has deep crimson semi-double flowers mottled with purple and pink. Showy golden stamens. Good scent. Dark stems and mid-green serrated foliage. Summer flowering. Size: 1.5m x 1.5m.
Out of stockA.k.a 'The Jacobite Rose' and 'Great Double White'. Probably a sport of Alba Semi-Plena. A mass of fully double fragrant flowers. Wonderful lead-grey foliage and pale green stems with large prickles. Strong in growth. Summer flowering. 1.8m x 1.5m.
Out of stockA.k.a Rosa x alba 'Alba Semi-Plena'. The White Rose of York. Semi-double, fragrant pure white blooms. Strong growth with grey-green foliage. Polished red hips in the autumn. Grown for Attar in Bulgaria. Summer flowering. Size: 2m x 1.5m.
Out of stockA.k.a Mousseline. Semi-double cupped blooms of blush pink. A neat compact well-foliated bush. Light moss. Perfumed. Continuous flowering from June until October. Size: 1m x 1m.
Out of stockA hardy tea rose. Magnificent fully double quartered blooms of pink, peach and purple. Scented. Dark reddish brown stems with dark green foliage. Continuous flowering. Size: 1.5m x 90cm.
Out of stockPointed Apricot buds open to a soft creamy yellow semi-double display. Abundance of late flowers. Dark green healthy leathery foliage with few thorns. Good in borders as well as for hedging. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1.4m.
Out of stockUnique. A sport of Eugène Fürst. Cupped blooms of deep crimson with a thin white edge to each petal. Repeat flowering. Highly fragrant. Upright habit. Needs attention especially in respect to mildew. Size: 1.2m x 0.9m.
Out of stockBellard (a.k.a Bellart, Bellert) has quartered blooms of blush pink rise above a green button eye. Strong growth with grey green foliage. Good fragrance. Summer flowering. Rare. Size: 1.2 x 1m.
Out of stockAn excellent reliable Gallica of rosette formation. Rich pink fading to pale violet. Coarse green foliage overlaid with a bluish tinge. Highly scented. Summer flowering. Size:1.2m x 90cm.
Out of stockPerfect quartered blooms of pale pink with lighter edges. Strong myrrh fragrance. A tidy shrub with grey-green foliage. Good disease resistance. Summer flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1m.
Out of stockLarge double magenta-pink blooms. Spicy scent. Very healthy. Repeat flowering. Sometimes produces large red fruit with the later blooms. Size: 1.8m x 1.6m.
Out of stockFully double quartered blooms, lilac pink on the edges with deeper pink centres. Dark green foliage. Grown by Empress Josephine at Malmaison but rarely seen today. Summer flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1m.
Out of stockLarge pure white semi-double fragrant blooms. Excellent disease-resistant foliage. Forms a dense shrub. Useful for hedging. Perpetual flowering. Size:1.8m x 1.5m.
Out of stockLovely pure white full blooms which open from buds covered with brownish moss. An upright shrub with beautifully dark green leaves. Summer flowering. Size: 1.2m x 0.9m.
Out of stockBlanchefleur's red tinged buds open into milky-white quartered blooms. As the flowers age the petals reflex to form a ball. Sweetly scented. A large lax prickly shrub with grey green foliage. Summer flowering. Size 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockBloomfield Abundance has immense arched shoots which bear vast quantities of miniature scrolled shell-pink blooms with long sepals. A good specimen plant. Continuous flowering. Size 1.8m x 1.2m.
Out of stockHighly recommended. Prized for health and freedom of flowering. Recently awarded a Gold Standard. Clusters of cupped blooms of clear rose pink with a light scent. Makes a good low hedge. Continuous flowering. Size: 1.0m x1.0m.
Out of stockBotzaris has creamy white flat quartered blooms in beautiful clusters, with a strong sweet scent. Forms a compact shrub with dark green foliage. Summer flowering. Named after Marcos Botzaris, hero of Greek Independence 1790-1823. Size 1.2m x 1.2m.
Out of stockBoule de Neige a.k.a Snowball has double globular blooms of pure white. Crimson tinged when in bud. Sweetly scented. Good dark foliage. Can be use as a shrub or a pillar rose. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.5m x 0.9m.
Out of stockLarge clusters of medium-sized, globular pink-white blooms, which are sweetly scented. Pale green matt foliage, fairly prickly stems. Although often classed as a Noisette or Hybrid Perpetual this is more akin to the Portland Damasks. Repeat flowering. Size: 1m x 1m.
Out of stockBeautiful clusters of apricot yellow full blooms. Dark green arching foliage. Good scent. Repeats well. Spreading growth makes it ideal for a large border. Size: 1.2m x 1.4m.
Out of stockRosette-like flowers of creamy yellow in clusters. Scented. Vigorous open arching habit makes it ideal for a low hedge. Recurrent flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1.4m.
Out of stockA.k.a Rosa xanthina 'Canary Bird'. Single canary-yellow blooms smother the branches. Lovely brown stems and ferny foliage. Brownish red hips. Spring flowering. Size:2.4m x 1.4m
Out of stockThe full blooms vary from dark crimson to purple with a button eye. Good scent. Sticky reddish moss has a pine fragrance. Dark foliage. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockOne of the most purple roses. Rich purple flowers with paler centers and pretty green button eyes. Very floriferous. Good scent. Lush dark green leaves. Summer flowering. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockCelestial originated in Holland. Soft pink double blooms. Grey green foliage. Very strong fragrance. Extremely healthy. Summer flowering. Size: 2m x 1.2m.
Out of stockCelsiana displays clusters of semi-double pale pink blooms, with a strong musk fragrance. Good in semi-shaded position. Dense grey-green foliage. Summer flowering. Painted by many famous artists from the past. Size: 1.2m x 90cm.
Out of stockLarge sprays of outstanding cerise pink blooms. Fragrant. Vigorous arching growth with greyish foliage. Healthy. Very thorny. Makes a fabulous specimen rose. Summer flowering. Perfect for pollinators. Size: 2.5 x 2.5m.
Out of stockChapeau de Napoléon (a.k.a. Napoleon's Hat, Crested Moss, Rosa centifolia 'Cristata') has buds topped with a unique frilled growth. Globular pink blooms. Scented. Summer flowering. Height 1.5m x Spread 1.2m.
Out of stockA superb old rose. Very large striking quartered blooms of maroon and purple. Sweetly fragrant. Good dark foliage. Its vigour makes it one of the easiest Gallicas to grow. Summer flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1.2m.
Out of stockClusters of semi-double rich purple-maroon blooms with golden anthers. Its long stems make it an excellent choice as a cut flower. Strong and sweetly scented. A dark green, well foliated shrub. Vigorous. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m
Out of stockChloris a.k.a Rosée du Matin has darker foliage than most albas and is virtually thornless. The tight buds open to fairly small blush pink blooms. Summer flowering. Size:1.2m x 0.9m.
Out of stockChristina has a strong fragrance with red open double blooms. Glossy green foliage aids its excellent disease resistance, and a slender narrow habit make it great for taking cuttings. Size: 120 x 100cm.
Out of stockClair Matin forms a large shrub, bearing a good supply of semi-double clear pink fragrant blooms. Repeat flowering, with sumptuous dark green foliage, it's great for adding blocks of colour to the back of borders, or even against a wall. Size: 1.8m x 1.2m.
Out of stockCupped blooms of rose pink streaked with purple-violet and white. Good fragrance. Light green foliage with long pointed leaves. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
Out of stockVery fragrant, double blooms of cerise crimson. Opens slightly ruffled with a central boss of golden stamens. A vigorous tall shrub. Grown in Hungary for attar. Summer Flowering. Size: 1.75m x 1.25m.
Out of stockCornelia has masses of strawberry coloured buds which open out into small pink blooms with a flash of apricot. Rich scent. Dark Foliage. Repeat flowering. Forms an excellent shrub. Good for hedging. Size: 1.5m x 1.5m.
Out of stockLarge, full, flat blooms with a button eye. Magenta pink tinted with purple and lavender, with a paler reverse. Excellent foliage. Slender erect stems. Summer flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1.2m.
Out of stockLovely full quartered cupped blooms of blush pink carried on a lax bush. Dark green foliage. Wonderful perfume. Summer flowering. Size: 1.2m x 90cm.
Out of stockLarge double high-centred flowers of deep crimson opening quite loose. Overall the growth is upright and sturdy with good dark foliage. Scented. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.2m x 0.9m.
Out of stockEmpress Josephine has rich pink double blooms veined with deeper shades. Petals are wavy and loosely arranged. Strongly scented. Summer flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1m.
Out of stockUnique beauty. Single blooms of cerise pink paling to ivory white in the center with prominent stamens. Very healthy. A good autumn rose. Continuous flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1.2m.
Out of stockCupped blooms of deep crimson. Repeat flowering. Highly fragrant. Upright habit. Needs some attention, especially in respect to mildew. Size: 1.5m x 0.9m.