Specialist Growers of Roses Ancient and Modern

Old Roses


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Old Roses


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Welcome to the online store of
Trevor White Roses

Specialist Growers of Roses Ancient & Modern

We have been growing roses in Norfolk since 1984 and take great pride in producing quality plants. Old Roses are our special passion, yet we love roses of all persuasions and stock many beautiful Species, Shrub, Climbing and Rambling Roses, both modern and old. Our aim is to offer a range that fully embodies the sheer diversity that roses can bring to your garden. Fragrance, foliage, fruit and flower come in a multitude of variations and permutations that provides a rose for virtually every situation.

Most of our roses can be purchased bare root (dormant) for delivery from November until March, in addition we also offer a selection that can be bought potted in peat-free compost. Good cultivation in virgin soil, strict grading and minimal storage ensure that they arrive in the best possible condition.

We hope our new website helps and inspires you to discover more about our unique collection. The new filter options and enhanced format should make finding the right rose from over 500 different varieties much easier. See our ‘ALL CATEGORIES’ page for our full list of subcategories such as Hedging Roses, Shade Tolerant Roses & Old Roses Groups.

Happy gardening.

Featured Category
Attractive Hips
Ballerina Rose with frosty hips.

Featured Category
Repeat Flowering Old Roses

Most Old Roses give us a glorious display from early June, that fleeting beauty which shouldnt be missed, but amongst them we find a few that will keep on serving. Repeatability appears in a few old classes and the Chinas are the most floriferous, diverse in both habit and bloom shape. Meanwhile the deeply perfumed Portland Damasks and Bourbons are able to give a 2nd flush from August. All quintessential for any old rose garden.




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Welcome to the online store of
Trevor White Roses

Specialist Growers of Roses Ancient & Modern

We have been growing roses in Norfolk since 1984 and take great pride in producing quality plants. Old Roses are our special passion, yet we love roses of all persuasions and stock many beautiful Species, Shrub, Climbing and Rambling Roses, both modern and old. Our aim is to offer a range that fully embodies the sheer diversity that roses can bring to your garden. Fragrance, foliage, fruit and flower come in a multitude of variations and permutations that provides a rose for virtually every situation.

Most of our roses can be purchased bare root (dormant) for delivery from November until March, in addition we also offer a selection that can be bought potted in peat-free compost which are available throughout the year. Good cultivation in virgin soil, strict grading and minimal storage ensure that they arrive in the best possible condition.

We hope our new website helps and inspires you to discover more about our unique collection. The new filter options and enhanced format should make finding the right rose from over 500 different varieties much easier. See our ‘ALL CATEGORIES’ page for our full list of subcategories such as Hedging Roses, Shade Tolerant Roses & Old Roses Groups.

Happy gardening.

Featured Category
Repeat Flowering Old Roses

Most Old Roses give us a glorious display from early June, that fleeting beauty which shouldn’t be missed, but amongst them we find a few that will keep on serving. Repeatability appears in a few old classes and the Chinas are the most floriferous, diverse in both habit and bloom shape. Meanwhile the deeply perfumed Portland Damasks and Bourbons are able to give a 2nd flush from August. All quintessential for any old rose garden.



Welcome to the online store of
Trevor White Roses

Specialist Growers of Roses Ancient & Modern

We have been growing roses in Norfolk since 1984 and take great pride in producing quality plants. Old Roses are our special passion, yet we love roses of all persuasions and stock many beautiful Species, Shrub, Climbing and Rambling Roses, both modern and old. Our aim is to offer a range that fully embodies the sheer diversity that roses can bring to your garden. Fragrance, foliage, fruit and flower come in a multitude of variations and permutations that provides a rose for virtually every situation.

Most of our roses can be purchased bare root (dormant) for delivery from November until March, in addition we also offer a selection that can be bought potted in peat-free compost which are available throughout the year. Good cultivation in virgin soil, strict grading and minimal storage ensure that they arrive in the best possible condition.

We hope our new website helps and inspires you to discover more about our unique collection. The new filter options and enhanced format should make finding the right rose from over 500 different varieties much easier. See our ‘ALL CATEGORIES’ page for our full list of subcategories such as Hedging Roses, Shade Tolerant Roses & Old Roses Groups.

Happy gardening.

Featured Category: Attractive HipsBallerina Rose with frosty hips.

Featured Category
Repeat Flowering Old Roses

Most Old Roses give us a glorious display from early June, that fleeting beauty which shouldn’t be missed, but amongst them we find a few that will keep on serving. Repeatability appears in a few old classes and the Chinas are the most floriferous, diverse in both habit and bloom shape. Meanwhile the deeply perfumed Portland Damasks and Bourbons are able to give a 2nd flush from August. All quintessential for any old rose garden.



Featured Roses

Our Blog

Blue Roses

Blue Roses Blue is a colour of rare beauty in gardens, you find it in Delphiniums, Hydrangeas and Clematis and other plants, so why not roses? Well its all down to genetics, roses do not possess the necessary genes to produce the blue pigment. If you see a blue rose in a floristry shop it is almost certainly a white rose that has been dyed blue. There has also been research in Japan to try and introduce the pigment 'Delphinidin' into roses using genes from pansies but with limited success, you can read about this research on the Suntory website. Which means the closest we actually come to Blue in roses is Purple. Hippolyte - Gallica Rose Captaine John Ingram - Moss Rose Tuscany Superb - Gallica Rose Reine des Violettes - Hybrid Perpetual The Rise of the Purple Rose We first start seeing purple within Gallica roses. Gallicas are admired for their intense fragrance and some are known to date back to the 12th century. By the 19th century we start seeing purple within the Hybrid Perpetuals which saw the first repeat flowering cultivars such as 'Reine des Violettes'.  As for the climbing purple roses, in 1909 Rudolph Geschwind introduced Rambling Rose 'Veilchenblau', which later bore four other amazing seedlings; 'Violette', 'Bleu Magenta', 'Rosemarie Viaud' & most recently 'Lilac Domino', all with various flower forms. The Purple Ramblers Vielchenblau - Rambling Rose Violette - Rambling Rose Rosemarie Viaud - Rambling Rose Bleu Magenta - Rambling Rose Purple roses today Surprisingly we didn't see a modern type purple rose until 'Blue Moon' in 1964. This was a paler lilac colour but often riddled with disease. It wasn't until the 21st century we saw the best varieties, most of which have come from the UK, such as 'Rhapsody in Blue' that won Rose of the Year 2003 and was later given the prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit. It's a relatively tall floribunda shrub rose which can also be used as a short climber and is generally fairly healthy. The most fragrant of the modern purple roses we believe is the light pastel 'Sandra', which has an old fashioned 'cabbage' flower form as well as, 'Scented Carpet' a recent British introduction. We look forward to seeing what comes out of the rose world in years to come, perhaps the genetical research will prevail, but we still love the historical purple rose. Rhapsody In Blue - Modern Shrub Rose Sandra - Renaissance Rose Scented Carpet - Ground Cover Rose British Persica - Eyes for You For Further Reference Old Purple Roses → [...]

September 2nd, 2019|

Joseph Pemberton Hybrid Musks

Joseph Pemberton's Hybrid Musks The term ‘Hybrid Musk’ was first used 100 years ago in 1917 to describe the rose Pax which had been bred by the Rev. Joseph Pemberton from Havering-atte-Bower in Essex. Pemberton used Trier a repeat flowering multiflora rambler in many of his crosses and he went on to develop a whole new race of roses, shrubs with clusters of beautifully fragrant blooms in delicate hues. They were certainly ahead of their time and although a few won awards they didn’t achieve great popularity until much later. Today they are highly regarded, many good enough to be given AGMs (Award of Garden Merit) from the RHS like Cornelia, Penelope and Prosperity. Although termed Hybrid Musks they actually have very little of the true musk rose (Rosa moschata ) in their ancestry. After his death in 1926 his sister Florence and gardeners the Bentalls carried on his breeding work producing such great roses as Buff Beauty, Ballerina and Robin Hood.

July 25th, 2019|
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