Specialist Growers of Roses Ancient and Modern



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Old Roses


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Welcome to the online store of
Trevor White Roses

Specialist Growers of Roses Ancient & Modern

We have been growing roses in Norfolk since 1984 and take great pride in producing quality plants. Old Roses are our special passion, yet we love roses of all persuasions and stock many beautiful Species, Shrub, Climbing and Rambling Roses, both modern and old. Our aim is to offer a range that fully embodies the sheer diversity that roses can bring to your garden. Fragrance, foliage, fruit and flower come in a multitude of variations and permutations that provides a rose for virtually every situation.

Most of our roses can be purchased bare root (dormant) for delivery from November until March, in addition we also offer a selection that can be bought potted in peat-free compost. Good cultivation in virgin soil, strict grading and minimal storage ensure that they arrive in the best possible condition.

We hope our new website helps and inspires you to discover more about our unique collection. The new filter options and enhanced format should make finding the right rose from over 500 different varieties much easier. See our ‘ALL CATEGORIES’ page for our full list of subcategories such as Hedging Roses, Shade Tolerant Roses & Old Roses Groups.

Happy gardening.

New Introduction

Ruby Rescht a damask rose and sport of Rose de Rescht.

Introducing ‘Ruby Rescht’, a new damask rose to celebrate 40 years of Trevor White Roses.

Featured Category
Repeat Flowering Old Roses

Most Old Roses give us a glorious display from early June, that fleeting beauty which shouldnt be missed, but amongst them we find a few that will keep on serving. Repeatability appears in a few old classes and the Chinas are the most floriferous, diverse in both habit and bloom shape. Meanwhile the deeply perfumed Portland Damasks and Bourbons are able to give a 2nd flush from August. All quintessential for any old rose garden.




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Welcome to the online store of
Trevor White Roses

Specialist Growers of Roses Ancient & Modern

We have been growing roses in Norfolk since 1984 and take great pride in producing quality plants. Old Roses are our special passion, yet we love roses of all persuasions and stock many beautiful Species, Shrub, Climbing and Rambling Roses, both modern and old. Our aim is to offer a range that fully embodies the sheer diversity that roses can bring to your garden. Fragrance, foliage, fruit and flower come in a multitude of variations and permutations that provides a rose for virtually every situation.

Most of our roses can be purchased bare root (dormant) for delivery from November until March, in addition we also offer a selection that can be bought potted in peat-free compost which are available throughout the year. Good cultivation in virgin soil, strict grading and minimal storage ensure that they arrive in the best possible condition.

We hope our new website helps and inspires you to discover more about our unique collection. The new filter options and enhanced format should make finding the right rose from over 500 different varieties much easier. See our ‘ALL CATEGORIES’ page for our full list of subcategories such as Hedging Roses, Shade Tolerant Roses & Old Roses Groups.

Happy gardening.

Featured Category
Repeat Flowering Old Roses

Most Old Roses give us a glorious display from early June, that fleeting beauty which shouldn’t be missed, but amongst them we find a few that will keep on serving. Repeatability appears in a few old classes and the Chinas are the most floriferous, diverse in both habit and bloom shape. Meanwhile the deeply perfumed Portland Damasks and Bourbons are able to give a 2nd flush from August. All quintessential for any old rose garden.



Welcome to the online store of
Trevor White Roses

Specialist Growers of Roses Ancient & Modern

We have been growing roses in Norfolk since 1984 and take great pride in producing quality plants. Old Roses are our special passion, yet we love roses of all persuasions and stock many beautiful Species, Shrub, Climbing and Rambling Roses, both modern and old. Our aim is to offer a range that fully embodies the sheer diversity that roses can bring to your garden. Fragrance, foliage, fruit and flower come in a multitude of variations and permutations that provides a rose for virtually every situation.

Most of our roses can be purchased bare root (dormant) for delivery from November until March, in addition we also offer a selection that can be bought potted in peat-free compost which are available throughout the year. Good cultivation in virgin soil, strict grading and minimal storage ensure that they arrive in the best possible condition.

We hope our new website helps and inspires you to discover more about our unique collection. The new filter options and enhanced format should make finding the right rose from over 500 different varieties much easier. See our ‘ALL CATEGORIES’ page for our full list of subcategories such as Hedging Roses, Shade Tolerant Roses & Old Roses Groups.

Happy gardening.


Ruby Rescht a damask rose and sport of Rose de Rescht.

Introducing ‘Ruby Rescht’, a new damask rose to celebrate 40 years of Trevor White Roses.

Featured Category
Repeat Flowering Old Roses

Most Old Roses give us a glorious display from early June, that fleeting beauty which shouldn’t be missed, but amongst them we find a few that will keep on serving. Repeatability appears in a few old classes and the Chinas are the most floriferous, diverse in both habit and bloom shape. Meanwhile the deeply perfumed Portland Damasks and Bourbons are able to give a 2nd flush from August. All quintessential for any old rose garden.



Featured Roses

Our Blog

Bare Essentials

Bare Essentials Trevor explains his love for bare rose stems Before the seccateurs come out in Spring there is the chance to appreciate a rose stripped back to its bare essentials, basically just stems and prickles. Without its leaves and flowers this might not seem particularly exciting but for me there is still much to be admired in the amazing diversity of colour and armament. You will have to steer yourselves away from more modern hybrids (as these do tend to appear all pretty much alike) and venture into the realms of older and wilder varieties. In the photograph I gathered together just a small collection of stems from our rose field just to highlight this. Stems can come in every possible shade of green but the ghostly hues of Rosa soulieana and its hybrids really stand out. Away from green there are pale browns (rugosas), russetts and even mahogany (Canary Bird) and red (Amadis). The overall finish can be either matt, gloss or even flakey as in the case of Rosa roxburghii. In the recent past the word 'thorn' has been highjacked and we must now use prickle to denote the armour of roses. Not top of the list of endearing features for many, but again they can offer a further dimension, not just aesthetically but also for their deterrant properties. From the completely naked Bousault roses (eg Amadis, Morletii and Mme. Sancy de Parabere) to the Stegasaurus-like appendages of Rosa sericea 'Pteracantha' there is a vast array of sizes shapes and configurations. Personally I just love the stems of 'Moussu du Japon' , more hairy caterpiller than rose. There is always more to a rose than just a pretty face, sometimes its sheer naked attraction. Varieties in photo top to bottom: Hansa Rosa sericea 'Pteracantha' Moussu du Japon Nevada Rosa foetida 'Bicolor' Rosa woodsii 'Fendleri' Canary Bird Rosa suffulta Rosa pimpinellifolia 'Dunwich Rose' Hebes Lip Rosa x kochiana Rosa farreri 'Persetosa' Amadis Rosa roxburghii Aglaia Rosa stellata 'Mirifica' Rosa gallica Susan Rosa soulieana

January 27th, 2022|

Preparing the ground for Bare Root Roses

As the bare root season is fast approaching now is the perfect time to prepare your ground for planting. We suggest doing this at least a month before your bare root roses arrive, although at short notice, the use of Rootgrow products such as mycorrhizal fungi may be used on the actual day of planting. First remove any weeds at least 50cm around intended hole and work the soil by double digging. To do this, temporily remove the first layer of soil (depth of a spade head). Then fork over the bottom layer, mixing in some fertilisers or organic material to improve root growth. For roses, phosphorus rich feeds such as bonemeal would be ideal. If you have chalky soil, its important to add a good amount of organic matter such as leaf mold, composted pine needles or well-rotted manure to balance out the PH. Backfill the top layer over to finish. If the final destination for your rose is a pot then size does matter. Roses like to have deep roots so the taller the pot the better. A minimum depth of 40-45cm by 40cm wide is needed for shrub roses. We would not advise planting very rampant climbers or ramblers in pots, but a 1m x 1meter sized container would be needed for climbing varieties that grow below 10 feet tall. The use of a soil based compost is essential to help hold onto nutrients, so multipurpose compost on its own will not be enough. A mix of 50 percent John Innes No.3 and 50 percent multipurpose will help them thrive. A 2cm layer of gravel or crocks in the bottom can also aid drainage. Remember the longer the roses have to develop their roots during their dormant months, the better chance of them performing at their best next summer. We hope you have a happy bare root season. For further reference: Planting and Pruning Guide Root Care Products Page includes fertilisers for planting. Vitax Organic Bonemeal is used for helping establish plants root systems.

December 1st, 2021|
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